🐎 Make a Solar Zoetrope

Template for cutting out shapes to make a zoetrope, with the following text: Iffy Books Solar Zoetrope ⓵ Print this template at 100% scale. Use black cardstock for best results, or color in the shapes with black crayon/marker. ⓶ Make a strip of white paper, 16 in. (41 cm) by 1.25 in. (3.2 cm). Line it up with the template and draw 11 evenly spaced frames, one for each vertical notch. Use thick, dark lines. ⓷ Cut out the zoetrope shapes with scissors and connect with tape/glue to make a single loop. ⓸ Make a cardboard circle with radius 2.5 in. (6.35 cm) and attach to the bottom of your zoetrope loop with small strips of tape. ⓹ Mount your animation strip inside the zoetrope, with a frame under each vertical notch. ⓺ Attach a gear to the shaft of an electric motor, then glue your zoetrope to the gear. Give it a spin and look through the notches at a downard angle to see your animation! iffybooks.net/solar-zoetrope / Public Domain

This past weekend we hosted a workshop called Make a Solar Zoetrope, as part of the DVAA Everyday Futures Fest. It was super fun! If you didn’t make it, we’re running it again on Sunday, May 7th at 1 p.m.

We’re sharing the template we made for the event, so you can build one yourself at home. To power the zoetrope when the sun is shining, we used a 3V–12V DC motor and a 5V 200mA solar panel.

➡️ Download the template (1.2 MB PNG)

⓵ Print this template at 100% scale. Use black cardstock for best results, or color in the shapes with black crayon/marker.
⓶ Make a strip of white paper, 16 in. (41 cm) by 1.25 in. (3.2 cm). Line it up with the template and draw 11 evenly spaced frames, one for each vertical notch. Use thick, dark lines.
⓷ Cut out the zoetrope shapes with scissors and connect with tape/glue to make a single loop.
⓸ Make a cardboard circle with radius 2.5 in. (6.35 cm) and attach to the bottom of your zoetrope loop with small strips of tape.
⓹ Mount your animation strip inside the zoetrope, with a frame under each vertical notch.
⓺ Attach a gear to the shaft of an electric motor, then glue your zoetrope to the gear. Give it a spin and look through the notches at a downward angle to see your animation!

To the extent possible under law, Iffy Books has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the Iffy Books Zoetrope Template. This work is published from: United States.