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🚂 Model Internet Club

September 17, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

A drawing of two smiling turtles facing each other, with a wi-fi symbol over their heads. One is wearing a cowboy hat and the other is wearing a little bowler. Both turtles have computers on their backs. The text "Model Internet Club" is at the bottom in a typewriter font.

The Model Internet Club meets again on Sunday, September 17th, 1–5 p.m. Newcomers are welcome.

The network is up and running! We now have a DHCP server, a DNS server with custom domain names, and handful of websites running as virtual hosts in Apache. There’s a local bulletin board in the works, and we’re considering our options for connecting wi-fi access points.

We’re looking for websites to run on our local network! If you have an idea, email iffybooks@iffybooks.net or join us on September 17th.

We’re also looking for Cisco network switches to help expand the network. If you have one lying around, please get in touch!

Here’s a photo of the model internet in action:

A photo of the Model Internet at Iffy Books, comprising two desktop computers, a switch, and a Raspberry Pi on a small table with two monitors. Another computer is displaying a website on the network. A white board in the background reads "Browse the Model Internet!" followed by a list of local URLs such as "http://alice.punk" and "http://zephyr.punk"

And here’s a diagram of our plans for the network (so far):

Diagram of a computer network with a network switch connected to a DHCP server, a DNS server, servers for community web pages (Apache), an offline wikipedia cline, and a bulletin board (phpBB). There are also three wi-fi access points connected to the switch, and a laptop at the bottom right with a wi-fi sybol. Text at the bottom says "Iffy Books Model Internet Club"


September 17, 2023
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Iffy Books (319 N. 11th St.)
319 N. 11th St. #2I
Philadelphia, PA 19107 United States
View Venue Website


Iffy Books